Warning: Undefined variable $mtq_use_timer in /home/u499006884/domains/govtfever.in/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mtouch-quiz/show_quiz.php on line 239 The Mark of Vishnu quiz 2Warning: Undefined variable $mtq_use_timer in /home/u499006884/domains/govtfever.in/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mtouch-quiz/show_quiz.php on line 360 Congratulations – you have completed The Mark of Vishnu quiz 2.
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Hindu believe in the Trinity of…………
Name the newspapers Khushwant Singh worked for as an editor.
What is Lord Vishnu ?
To whom was the tin presented in school in the story ?
The more dangerous the animal, the………..Gunga Ram was to its existence.
Gunga ram believed that as long as he gives Kala Nag milk,—
Dead serpents are kept in………….. in school labs in jars.
It is author’s belief based on………..that serpents do not drink milk.
The narrator knows that Fannayar is a male, so it can’t—-
Which god plays the role of destroyer ?
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